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- INFO-HAMS Digest Tue, 26 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1064
- Today's Topics:
- ARRL (3 msgs)
- W1AW: Computer-generated QRM ?
- Willing to Trade my Icom R-71A for Kenwood R5000
- Xmas Toys and Part 15
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 26 Dec 89 06:27:20 GMT
- From: snorkelwacker!usc!pollux.usc.edu!kjh@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU (Kenneth J. Hendrickson N8DGN)
- Subject: ARRL
- Message-ID: <21968@usc.edu>
- In article <339@ssc.UUCP> tad@ssc.UUCP (Tad Cook) writes:
- >Well, I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but there goes Ken again...
- I am sitting on my hands. I am sitting on my hands.
- In the rare case that original ideas Kenneth J. Hendrickson N8DGN
- are found here, I am responsible. Owen W328, E. Lansing, MI 48825
- Internet: kjh@usc.edu UUCP: ...!uunet!usc!pollux!kjh
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Dec 89 00:37:10 GMT
- From: sumax!amc-gw!pilchuck!ssc!tad@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Tad Cook)
- Subject: ARRL
- Message-ID: <339@ssc.UUCP>
- Well, I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but there goes Ken again...
- QST has NOT dropped all coverage of microwaves.
- Also, Ken keeps complaining that all he got were form letters from his
- elected representatives at the ARRL. From the ones he has posted, it
- looked like the editor of QST was using WORD PROCESSING (horrors! Ken
- probably wrote his in longhand....) to respond to letters. I wonder
- if Ken's Division Director responded with the same "form letter?"
- Now because the editor didn't respond to Ken's rambling diatribes
- to KEN'S SATISFACTION (which could have only been acomplished if
- the editor agreed with him) he is screaming the the ARRL is ALL
- HYPOCRITES! He alleges that the ARRL claims to support all "special
- interest groups", but because they cut back on coverage of his
- rather narrow interest, that they are somehow dishonest!
- Sorry if this response seems too personal, but I wanted to respond to
- these half-truths. Ken has tried to claim with much exaggeration over
- and over that the ARRL has dropped ALL COVERAGE OF MICROWAVES. When
- I have pointed out why this is not true in the past, he always
- says something like "yeah, but expanded Handbook coverage and article
- s in QST are not the same as a monthly column".
- True, but dropping a narrow interest monthly column in the face of a
- budget crunch is not the same as dropping ALL COVERAGE OF MICROWAVES,
- as he keeps claiming.
- Tad Cook
- tad@ssc.UUCP
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Dec 89 00:37:10 GMT
- From: sumax!amc-gw!pilchuck!ssc!tad@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Tad Cook)
- Subject: ARRL
- Message-ID: <339@ssc.UUCP>
- Well, I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but there goes Ken again...
- QST has NOT dropped all coverage of microwaves.
- Also, Ken keeps complaining that all he got were form letters from his
- elected representatives at the ARRL. From the ones he has posted, it
- looked like the editor of QST was using WORD PROCESSING (horrors! Ken
- probably wrote his in longhand....) to respond to letters. I wonder
- if Ken's Division Director responded with the same "form letter?"
- Now because the editor didn't respond to Ken's rambling diatribes
- to KEN'S SATISFACTION (which could have only been acomplished if
- the editor agreed with him) he is screaming the the ARRL is ALL
- HYPOCRITES! He alleges that the ARRL claims to support all "special
- interest groups", but because they cut back on coverage of his
- rather narrow interest, that they are somehow dishonest!
- Sorry if this response seems too personal, but I wanted to respond to
- these half-truths. Ken has tried to claim with much exaggeration over
- and over that the ARRL has dropped ALL COVERAGE OF MICROWAVES. When
- I have pointed out why this is not true in the past, he always
- says something like "yeah, but expanded Handbook coverage and article
- s in QST are not the same as a monthly column".
- True, but dropping a narrow interest monthly column in the face of a
- budget crunch is not the same as dropping ALL COVERAGE OF MICROWAVES,
- as he keeps claiming.
- Tad Cook
- tad@ssc.UUCP
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Dec 89 00:13:26 GMT
- From: sumax!amc-gw!pilchuck!ssc!tad@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Tad Cook)
- Subject: W1AW: Computer-generated QRM ?
- Message-ID: <338@ssc.UUCP>
- The problem with W1AW coming on and asking if the frequency is in use
- before transmitting bulletins is that they do this simultaneously on
- EIGHT BANDS. Of course, no one OWNS a frequency, but they have been
- doing this on a regularly scheduled basis on the same frequencies
- since before I was born. It would be a lot nicer for them to ask
- first, but I am not sure how practical it is.
- 73,
- Tad Cook
- tad@ssc.UUCP
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Dec 89 02:57:06 GMT
- From: att!chinet!megabyte@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Dr. Megabyte)
- Subject: Willing to Trade my Icom R-71A for Kenwood R5000
- Message-ID: <1989Dec26.025706.528@chinet.chi.il.us>
- I have a Icom R71A receiver with the 250Khz CW filter and the
- Icom C64 High stability crystal unit I would like to trade
- for a Kenwood R5000.
- The Icom has just been tested and benched by Electronic Equipment
- Bank in Vienna, VA and has and continues to be a fine performer
- for catching weak signals, DX'ing, and cutting out just about
- any type of noise you can imagine.
- Why do I want to trade it for a R5000? All my friends have a R5000,
- I own an old Kenwood R600, and in general, I like the operation
- and ergonomics of the Kenwood products better.
- I got the Icom at a wonderful price, but still prefer Kenwood products.
- So, if anyone is willing to talk trade, I'd like to listen. I'd
- pay shipping on both ends and would be open to either a straight
- one-for-one trade, or a trade plus equipment or cash... from either
- of us.
- Make me an offer, let's see if you can make me a deal.
- --
- Mark E. Sunderlin: IRS Technocrat in Winchester, VA
- aka Dr. Megabyte: megabyte@chinet.chi.il.us (703) 667-5203
- "We're very kinky, in a Republican sort of way." - Sue Pauloz
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Dec 89 14:25:45 GMT
- From: att!tsdiag!ka2qhd!wb2hbz@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jim Dockery Kinnelon NJ)
- Subject: Xmas Toys and Part 15
- Message-ID: <68@ka2qhd.UUCP>
- With all of the discussion over the last several months regarding
- Part 15 and what was attempted at being done about it, I thought
- the following posting from items retrieved from Christmas toys
- might be of interest.
- Now that all of the toys have been delivered and are well on
- their way to total destruction, I thought you would be interested
- in the following that I gathered up from two of the toys my son
- received for Christmas.
- What struck me funny was the different wording used by the two
- manufacturers. Although some of the sentences appear to have the
- same structure, apparently for legal reasons, Tyco seems to say a
- little more, and more accurately, than Mattel. Mattel's even
- contained a typo duplicated here ("Subpart J or Part 15"). Yes I
- did proofread it although they did not.
- Another thing I liked was the reference to seeing the dealer.
- Although this could mean seeing the dealer for the radio/tv, it
- implies also the seeing of the toy dealer.
- Can you really picture an indepth discussion of Part 15 and RFI
- with someone at Toys 'R Us?
- With regard to relocating the device away from the receiver, if
- you heard these things you might suggest relocating them to the
- next state.
- Have a good and safe holiday.
- 73, Jim Dockery, WB2HBZ
- The following was quoted directly from the pamphlets included
- with the toys. Typos are duplicated verbatum.
- ----
- >From Mattel, Inc., the following was included with a toy named
- "He-Man Powrsword":
- This product generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not
- used properly may cause interference to radio and television
- reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the
- limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the
- specifications in Subpart J or Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are
- designed to provide reasonable protection against such
- interference. However, there is no guarantee that interference
- will occur. If this equipment does cause interference to radio
- or television reception, the user is encouraged to try to correct
- the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient the receiving antenna.
- Relocate the prodecut with respect to the receiver.
- Move the product away from the receiver.
- If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an
- experienced radio/television technician for additional
- suggestions.
- ----
- >From Tyco Industries, Inc., the following was included with a toy
- named "Hot Lixx," a toy electronic guitar:
- This product generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not
- installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with
- the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio
- and television reception. It has been type tested and found to
- comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in
- accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC
- Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection
- against such interference in a residential installation.
- However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
- in a particular installation. If
- this equipment does cause interference to radio or television
- reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
- and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
- by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient the receiving antenna; Relocate the computer with
- respect to the receiver; Move the computer away from the
- receiver; Plug the computer into a different outlet so that
- computer and receiver are on different branch circuits.
- If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an
- experienced radio/television technician for additional
- suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by
- the Federal Communications Commission helpful: "How to Identify
- and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems."
- This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing
- Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1064
- ***************************************